“Top Three Things We Love About Our Turkeys”

1. They are packed with natural nutrients - from a top quality feed (organic, soy-free, corn-free, no animal biproducts), AND all the bugs & grass they can eat. The majority of factory raised turkeys eat grain, jam-packed with anti­biotics and hormones to prevent disease and promote growth.

2. They only have one bad day. Our turkeys live a great life - they are free to live on pasture, scratching & pecking, feeling the sunshine & wind, BEING turkeys. Factory raised birds are often inside overcrowded cages their entire lives, on concrete floors.

3. They are tastier! You can absolutely taste the difference in our turkeys. The meat is juicier, the skin is crisper and the fat content adds to the taste of the bird vs. overpowering it.  Factory raised turkeys often have a yellow color to them and are quite dry.