Become a Black Bear Farm "Hive Hero"

Honey bees are declining in numbers across the nation at quite a high rate.  This decline is caused by several things - climate change, pesticides, parasites, and others.

A single bee colony can pollinate 100's of millions of flowers each day!  You can thank the bees for about every third bite of food that you take!

How can YOU help save the bee population?  Become a Hive Hero!!

Here at BBF, there are two options.  With both, you will receive monthly updates about your "adopted" queen bee and her hive and bee (see what I did there?) able to follow her journey on our Facebook page.

Option #1:  BASIC HIVE HERO - $59 one time charge

- Certificate of your support

- Choice of 1:  jar of honey, jar of pollen, or piece of honeycomb (when in season)

- Monthly pictures and updates

- "I'm a Hive Hero" t-shirt

Option #2:  SUPER HIVE HERO - $259 one time charge

- Certificate of your support

- Choice of 2:  jar of honey, jar of pollen, or piece of honeycomb (when in season)

- Monthly pictues and updates

- "I'm a Hive Hero" t-shirt

- AND, private hands-on beekeeping session a BBF (scheduled in advance)

Other ways you can help - plant flowering plants, using organic, "pollinator-friendly" pesticides and fertilizers, and buy honey from a local beekeeper (yum!).

Bee products made great gifts, and we appreciate your support VERY much.

To become a Hive Hero or get more information e-mail us at